What does scrub do?
Body scrubs are an exfoliating technique to remove dead blood cells and excess oil from your skin to prevent pigmentation and future acne breakouts.
Which is the best scrub for the face?
Sara oxy D-tan scrubs are the best to gently remove impurities from our face and prevent tanning and blackheads from our skin.
Can I Scrub my face daily?
yes, As the scrub particles are gentle and will not over-exfoliate. We recommend you use a face scrub once or twice a week.
Does scrub remove pimples?
Yes, a scrub is an ideal substitute for achieving radiant pimple-free skin. Use Sara Dtan radiance Scrub for better results.
Is facial scrub good for the face?
Facial scrubs contribute to reducing acne scars and dark patches of skin. It deeply cleanses the skin and removes impurities from the skin.
How often should I use a face scrub?
To get the best results, you should use a scrub two times or week, as using more than one could lead to dehydration of the skin.
Should I use Facewash after face scrub?
Scrubbing can remove dead skin cells and dirt from the skin. Using facewash after scrub can help to wash away the dead skin cells from the skin.
Is scrub good for the skin?
Body scrub illuminates dead skin cells, excess oil, and impurities from the skin. Scrubs allow our skin to bring back moisture again. They unclog skin pores and prevent ingrown hairs.