What is mature skin?
Mature skin happens when the body changes with time. As you grow your skin also grows with time, and your skin starts to get fine lines and wrinkles. This aging process can't be stopped but you can slow down the process through a skincare regime. Using anti-aging creams, and facials could slow down the process of aging.
Which is the best face cream?
We would recommend you the Sara mint massage gel, as its gel formula gives you deep hydration and lead you to glowing skin.
Does cream make skin glow?
When skin is moisturized, it reflects the light and gives you glowing skin.
Why face mask is important?
A face mask is beneficial to get hydrate skin, as it removes excess oils and it helps to improve the appearance of the skin.
For how many minutes should I leave the face mask on the face?
You should always leave the face mask on the face for 10-15 minutes, let it dry, and then wash it off with a wet towel.
What do you do after the face mask?
After using a face mask, you should put moisturizer on the face, as it helps the skin to get hydrated skin.
Is facial good for your skin?
Yes, facials are good for the skin, as they deep cleanse and exfoliate the skin cells. Doing a facial helps the skin to get brighter and healthy skin.
How many days will the facial last?
The facial can last for several weeks, depending on the skin. Usually, the result of the skin lasts for 4-6 weeks for most skin types.